Friday, November 30, 2012

Blog Post #13: Feminism and Stereotypes


            Two ideas that are often misunderstood in today's current society and need to be reiterated are feminists and stereotypes. According to the article, feminism is “about equality for men and women in all facets of life: socially, economically, politically and sexually.” This is a very important role in the world today, as various issues can arise and it is feminists who are there to be sure women have a strong voice and are represented well. Some examples of significant feminists include Harriet Tubman, Jane Goodall, Betty Ford, Abigail Adams and Madonna. These women have done their best in trying to provide for the feminine population as well as the world, because if women are not at equal opportunity than the world is not advancing to its fullest potential. In addition, stereotypes are seen as: widely held but fixed and oversimplified image or idea of a particular type, according to our class discussion. Combining both of these ideas, feminists are often stereotyped for hating men, being a lesbian, being fembots, etc. but it is much more than that, it is about respecting oneself, including one's body and mind. Overall, feminists are strong advocates that are crucial to our world today.
            Stereotypes can be seen everywhere in today's society, including about feminism, such as the media's depiction of how a woman should look and sexist gender roles. Other stereotypes include Asian people being really smart, Black people seen as inferior, and that jocks are not school smart.  This relates to my life because I have also been affected by stereotypes, and I think it is crucial to try to eliminate as many as possible because they do not accurately represent one's group. In addition, I am from Los Angeles thus many people think I live next to a celebrity or live in a big house; however, these are not true. Stereotypes can be very frustrating and limiting to oneself and groups as a whole. Overall, both feminists and stereotypes are very important in our world today as feminists depict strength and a voice, while stereotypes illustrate generalizations about various groups of people.

Picture #1:
A map of the United States in common stereotypes.

Picture #2:
Asians are often depicted as smarter than the rest of the society.

Picture #3:
An advertisement that depicts women as weak.

Picture #4:
A common depiction of feminism.

Video #1:
This video analyzes a commercial that emphasizes gender roles.

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Blog Post #12 Misogyny


            Today there are many forms of misogyny in the world around us, specifically in the media. It is in various advertisements as women are pinned down by the male figure, or in sweatshirts that say "cool story babe. Now go make me a sandwich." It is examples like these that encourage the world to continue in misogynitic practices. Specifically in the article I found, rap music was not the only form of music that disrespects women, rather the song specifically discussed Mick Jagger and The Rolling Stones' hit rock record called “Brown Sugar."  The song has lyrics such as, " Ah brown sugar how come you taste so good (a-ha) brown sugar, just like a black girl should" thus not only depicting a hatred to women, but also racism.  The song represents the woman as sugar, which is often used as a side to something to make it sweeter, thus the male is the dominant food and the woman is only the "sugar" to satisfy the man. It also illustrates that women "should" be this way and ready to cater to a man's desires, which gives them no room for individuality or strength. Also, this example plays on the need for women to feel wanted, because it is a natural need for one to feel wanted and accepted by others. The article continues in pointing out that, "maybe some women actually felt honored that Jagger thought enough of them to shout them out on a record," and while this may be true for some women, the issue of misogyny is still existent in the song, etc. and it portrays the wrong way to get attention.
            My personal experience with this issue is being surrounded by society that constantly portrays a misogynistic image, in addition I have written a paper on the negative portrayal of women in the media. The article also discussed that the struggle of misogyny is not just a recent occurrence, rather it is something the world has faced for a long time The article states a reference from historian, E. Franklin Frazier's  book, Black Bourgeoisie, “In giving themselves [black women] to their white masters, there were certain concrete advantages to be gained.” These advantages ranged from better food and clothing to the possibility that their mulatto children would enjoy special privileges or even be emancipated.” It seems the slave women do not want this treatment rather they "did it" in order to gain advantage for their family. No matter what form or what time the misogyny was produced, it is not right and should not be taken lightly because if it is then that gives the future to continue to advance the levels of misogyny. Personally, I do not see the importance of constantly making these songs and advertisements, etc. so accessible because it depicts an inequality that is unnecessary and untrue. This accessibility causes it to spread to more people, so they can interpret it in their own way and perhaps come up with more ways to negatively depict women. Overall, whether it is an advertisement or song, etc. it degrades women and portrays a negative image that no one, including women, should have to face.

Picture #1:

Picture #2:

Picture #3:

Video #1:
An example of the Australian prime minister Julia Gillard and her experience with misogyny.

Video #2:
This video shows people's various views on what misogyny means.

Friday, November 16, 2012

Blog Post #11 Advertising on Tortilla Wrappers for Juarez


            Advertising today is seen in many places in society-on a car driving by, on billboards above the city streets, and on television and radio shows, but what about a tortilla wrapper? In Ciudad Juarez, Mexico the governor had an idea to advertise on tortilla wrappers which is a popular food in Mexico. But there was a better reason to advertise on a tortilla wrapper, because it advertises women who have disappeared in the ongoing violence.  This is an extremely important issue because these women do not have a voice as they are kidnapped, tortured and often killed, which has been going on for over 30 years. This advertising takes such a simple item that so common and makes it a crucial form of advertising in order to help people. I think in advertising today, especially in the United States, it is important to portray the "perfect" image specifically of a female; however, it is great to see some progression to helping others without depicting a desire-able "perfect computerized" image all as seen in much recent advertising. Overall, this gives a new face to the advertising world itself.
             Personally, I learned about the issue in the city of Ciudad Juarez last year in my Religion class, and it truly is a devastating one. The constant fear of being raped, kidnapped or even killed lurks in their everyday lives. One specific thing that makes these advertisements worthwhile and truly beneficial is that the people are helping spread awareness about the violence. Another reason this advertising is effective and useful in Juarez is because there is no other real form of communication since, "a lot of people don't have any way to watch TV or read the newspapers, they don't see the news, so this way they would at least know who to call or what to do in the case of a disappearance (said a store customer)," thus it suffices a way to advertise and truly connect with the community. I believe it is a great way to inform people and to raise awareness about a topic that is so prominent in Juarez. Depending on the location of the advertisement, there are many different ways to advertise, for example billboards etc. but this innovative idea to advertise on such a commonly used product such as tortilla wrappers can be very helpful in trying to find these women. Advertisements, to me, have so much power and truly can change the world, thus it would be to society's benefit to find social issues and help spread awareness and try to solve them.

Picture #1:
People of the city remember and make visible the death of these women in order to promote change too.

Picture #2:
People put posters throughout the town yearning to find their loved ones.

Picture #3:
An example of the advertisements on the tortilla wrappers.

Picture #4:
A map of where Juarez in relation to the United States and Mexico.

Video #1:
The movie trailer to the film I watched in religion class. The movie was called Backyard.

Friday, November 9, 2012

Blog Post #10: LGBT and Elections



            The LGBT society has worked very hard to establish awareness about the LGBT community these last four years, especially in politics. This past election has truly depicted their dedication and efforts through the widespread support as they have achieved victories in various areas. This includes "Obama [becoming] became the first sitting president to proudly stand in support of marriage equality... [and] the election of so many national candidates who support marriage equality and other LGBT rights, including Senator-elect Tammy Baldwin." This support has assisted the LGBT community to become a positive aspect to stand behind and, in addition, pushed society to become more educated. In fact, as the people continue to support the LGBT community, their efforts are also influencing significant governmental leaders, specifically the United States Supreme Court as they review the Defense of Marriage Act, which involves prohibiting the federal government from identifying legal marriages of gay couples.

            Overall, this support is more than just holding up a sign or electing governmental figures, rather it is a huge opportunity for the LGBT community to find comfort in society. It illustrates that the LGBT community seems to fit more successfully in to the public. This is truly significant for the LGBT community and society as a whole because it brings a new fulfilling element that has not been as public before. This support includes everything from t-shirts to the association with some successful organizations. These organizations include civil rights groups such as NAACP and National Council of La Raza, which prove to be beneficial because these groups understand what it is like to struggle and have success within the community. This will provide guidelines for LGBT community to continue in their great efforts in spreading information and making people more aware, as well as changing and advocating actions for the future.

Picture #1: content/uploads/images/staff/bio/StachelbergWinnie_bio.jpg
(Winnie Stachelberg: Center for American Progress; Also the author of the article)

Picture #2:
(Obama supporting LGBT)

Picture #3:
(The LGBT flag)

Video #1:
A program called "It Gets Better" to encourage and support LGBT to tell them it gets better and help them through the abuse, etc. It has also spread to non-LGBT in order to help support the LGBT community. 

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Women in the Sciences: Blog Post #9

                The gender inequality and bias in the sciences is very significant to focus on because it has a great affect on the world's future, specifically in the field of science. Women and men both have unique views of looking at situations and solving problems and if you have an unequal amount of either one, it will be a misrepresentation. According to the article, faculty from various universities "rated the male applicant as significantly more competent and hirable than the (identical) female applicant." This lack of women presence in the selection creates an unfair bias. In addition, there was also a greater salary and increased career mentoring for males. Women usually fight for their equal rights, such as for suffrage; however, why should they have to when women are just as capable as men are. This inequality is unacceptable and actually puts society at a huge disadvantage because women have various views that are different from men, thus those ideas will not be public or help society because the woman is not in the position to share them.  
                Women are specifically lower in numbers in the subject of physics; however, in biology women play a more active role. Positively, women are advancing in their field of biology; however, the lack of desire in physics seems to be because mathematics, and problem solving are mostly male dominated. When asked in an interview, men hardly mentioned the idea of discrimination, whereas females do admittedly recognize it and want to change it for the future. This lack of equality should be recognized and supported by both males and females because it is harder for women to go against males when they are already in a larger group, despite that both men and women have the same capabilities. This effort will not only help women but also the world of science as a whole, thus it is very important to encourage the support of women. Overall, the gender struggle in the sciences is very important in scientists' explanation about the gender differences in science.

Picture #1:

James M. Gentile is the President, Research Corporation for Science Advancement.

Picture #2:

Study Title: Gender Segregation in Elite Academic Science,"
Funded By: National Science Foundation   
Elaine Howard Ecklund,  is  in the picture. She is the lead study author of and guide investigator. She is also an associate professor of sociology at Rice University.

Picture #3:

The first study was published by Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. It "showed that science professors at American research universities demonstrated bias against women in hiring."

Picture #4:

The Research Corporation for Science Advancement (,  is celebrating its 100th year. The CEO is James M. Gentile.

Why Aren't There More Female Scientists? Various influential women speaking about women in the sciences.

Science: It's A Girl Thing! Campaign to encourage women into science.

Friday, October 26, 2012

Blog Post #8-Infants Recognize Gender Stereotypes


            Child development involves many different aspects in order to facilitate strong growth. Infants are perhaps most able to learn and expand ways of thinking, etc. due to the numerous neurotransmitters that connect to form dendrites to assist in making various developmental connections for the child. One thing that is truly important in the growth of a child is the actual information they learn and connect with, for example, one will most likely develop in positive ways when surrounded by a positive environment, as one would most likely develop negatively if from a negative environment. This idea strongly relates to the idea of nature and nurture, which simply recognizes that nurture includes the care and attention to the baby as it increases their chance to be in a better environment, or nature. This correlates to the article as it states that at a year and half years old, "even before the child ever has the ability to understand their own gender identity, infants will focus longer on images that challenge typical roles," such as a male putting on lipstick. This spectacular example of society's pressure of certain stereotypes such as women being the housewife and men putting on lipstick. This automatic correlation is an advancement that truly does affect the developmental stages of a child.
            This child brain development relates to our class discussion about society's stereotypes and how certain groups, such as women and minorities are "controlled" by the white, affluent men in the media. The example in the article depicts the child recognizing the male and female because of their associated gender identification. This can be cloudy, especially in today's world where there is LGBT community members who often do not fall under the stereotype and, in fact, usually portray the opposite gender. It is extremely interesting to see that the child's mind is already being transformed and establishing stereotypes, even before they can comprehend themselves, thus depicting the great influence of one's surroundings and on how one views the world. Another example might be a muscular person who usually would be seen as male and a more slender figure would be seen as a woman in the child's eyes. This recognition challenges society and its ideas of gender roles, which personally need to be changed to be broader topic. A student from Brown University, where the article was published, named Emma Bratton stated, "Gender norms are really limiting, and so the fact that something is learned so early that is so limiting to gender identity in general is troubling to me.” I agree with her in that there are strict lines in gender identity, whereas one should not been categorized by the actions, such as putting on lipstick, but by their individual characteristics, which are specific to individual people and groups.

Video #1:
An example of self-recognition. This occurs after the infant recognizes the gender stereotypes.

Video #2:
This video discusses children and their recognition of gender role stereotypes. They used dolls to portray a woman and a man and asked them  questions which clearly portrayed the gender stereotypes.

Picture #1:

As referenced in the article.

Picture #2:
A mature and immature neuron, which includes the dendrites (the branch-like figures), the axons (sends signals to other neurons), and the synapses (or the space between the two neurons), and the neurotransmitters (chemical messengers that travel through synapse).

Picture #3: 
The various gender roles as depicted in the media.

 Picture #4:
An example of a female to male transgender, who may be difficult for an infant to distinguish.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Post #7- LGBT Community

LGBT students have an ally in Virginia Smith, Oregon GLSEN co-chair

                In the middle of Ally Week, I believe it is appropriate to respond to an article regarding the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) society. In addition, I have friends who are gay and I would like to support them and help spread the word on how to respect them and help them feel comfortable in the world. Ally Week is a week (October 15-19th) that recognizes allies against negative treatment of LGBT students. It is specifically sponsored by GLSEN (Gay, Lesbian and Straight Education Network). This article recognizes the support that Virginia Smith, who is a co-founder of Oregon GLSEN, has for the community and explores ways on how others can too. Being a LGBT in today's society seems to be difficult, with constant ridicule and people not accepting one for who they are. It is also important that the LGBT community be recognized because although they are more frequently growing in society today, they are still a part of the world and matter just as much as everyone else.  It is also crucial that society become educated about the LGBT community and understand how they feel and how one can become allies with them to show support.
                Some statistics regarding the LGBT community are astonishing, such as 40% of homeless youth are LGBT students who left their homes due to unwelcoming families. In addition, of the 8,500 LGBT 6th through 12th grade students, 85% heard the word "gay" used in a negative manner, as well as 81% who were verbally harassed and 38% who were physically harassed. The abuse and ridicule the LGBT community receives is outrageous and needs to be recognized so it can stop. One recommendation is to become a part of a gay-straight alliance group and support various event s that are held. The article also mentions that parents and teachers should be a support system for the student, which could include putting up posters, etc., in addition to being a support system for each other. Overall, this is an extremely important issue and it is crucial that one learns about the LGBT community and not disrespect them.

Image #1:  One of the GLSEN ads for Ally Week.

Image # 2:   People who took the ally pledge.

Image #3: There are support groups within the LGBT community.
Video:  National Coming Out Day 2012 Video

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Blog Post #6-Women In Technology

Shannon Mossler

            In today's technology industry, it seems to be mostly male-dominated and this article depicts that women also have the same capabilities and leading companies just as well if not better than men do. The article begins by depicting the stereotypical roles that women are more specific and multi-taskers that depict their emotions and thoughts more, whereas males are the dominant type, with ideas to help shape the future in big, broad ways. These ideas may be true in some situations, and that is only to prove that both sides are needed for a successful industry; you need the small details to work everything out, though you also need those with the "big-picture" in mind to put ideas in perspective. A main aspect of the article is how women are changing the technology industry and how they are contributing, thus there are five specific roles that define how women leave their mark. These five are entrepreneurs, executives, designers, communicators and muse. These items truly contribute to the success of a company and women bring a new side to the ever-changing technological world.
            In today's world, it is truly important to incorporate various views in order to cater to different parts the societal realm. It is especially evident that women should be included because they bring a new dynamic to the industry, such as a contribution to include other female consumers, rather than mostly males as it is seen today, motivation for aspiring leaders both women and men and helping establish a "bridge between creation and consumption." Even in a male dominated industry, it is noticed that women are a huge part of the success, because behind most males is a supportive mother, daughter, sister, or wife that helps cater to his emotions. It is also important for these companies and individuals, to be recognized for their hard work so future generations can have hope that they can become a part of the development too. The technology industry is growing every day, but it would develop even faster and more efficiently if women also took lead roles. 

 Women hold less than 20% in technological industry. Teaches young girls about new technology and "codes" in order to open their options for the future. They worked with Facebook, Twitter, etc.


Picture #1: A strong stereotypical and negative message relating to women and technology.

Picture #2:  
Andy Sparks, CEO and Co-Founder of LaunchGram
"We knew from the beginning we wanted a designer as part of the founding team. Design goes beyond 'making things pretty'; it's about simplifying usability to the point of ridiculous ease. When we found Carrie [Phillips], we knew she was the design co-founder we needed... but not because she was a woman. Rather, she truly understood our vision and jumped in with her insights and ideas after only one conversation. Beyond her eye for design and usability, she possessed the creative capital we needed to ensure the future success of our company." 
Here is his LinkedIn: (You can see other employees profiles too).

Picture #3:  
A representation of the "future" of women and technology; Chloe Sladden.

Friday, September 21, 2012

Post #5: Iowa Midwife Issue

                The article refers to the struggle in Iowa regarding the illegality of home births. Though this may not seem to be a very important issue, ­­ it truly is because it is giving women, specifically the mother of the child and the midwife, a chance to be represented.  Both sets of these women have every right to be represented and treated equally. In most other states a midwife is legal, so why has not Iowa recognized this issue and fixed it. Personally, I have not had the experience of childbirth or the help of a midwife; however, I recognize that sometimes the option of a midwife is more comforting than the more popular options, such as the hospital. In general, the main goal of this article was to "raise awareness about the issues around childbirth," specifically through the film Freedom of Birth. The movie depicted a midwife whom was arrested and imprisoned in Hungary; thus showing lack of ability for a woman to explore her options and make the best decision for her and her baby.
                This issue creates various options for women regarding childbirth. It is crucial for women to understand that they have the option of midwives, because similar to the hospitals, the midwives have had medical experience and have delivered babies. I definitely agree with student Allison French who stated, "“I just think it’s important for women to know what options they have when it comes to having a child,” French said.  “It’s her choice because it’s her body." This point is crucial because a woman should have the knowledge of her options and thus should be able to choose which she wants. Specifically, as one relates this article to the class material it is important to also witness the struggle of how women are represented in society. Whether that means being granted to fulfill duties during childbirth rather than it being illegal or being under represented, thus needing to give women more opportunity to gain jobs, specifically in the media world where the dominant source is white, affluent males. Overall, this issue is very important and it is great to see that it recognizes various options, and thus yearning to gain the best possible situation for women.

Picture #1: 
(Freedom of Birth Movie Information)

Picture #2:
(Past depiction of midwife)

Picture #3:

(Current midwife)

Picture #4: 

(Iowa women that support midwives; Specific notice to the t-shirt)

(Life of a Midwife: Caroline Joy Hollins Martin)

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Blog Post #4: "8" Play

            Gay marriage has been a very controversial topic, especially in the past few years. To depict that this issue is still relevant and significant today, El Camino Real Charter High School students wrote essays explaining their views on the issue of gay marriage. The view of these students is a crucial way to help predict the future generation and how dedicated they will be to various causes, specifically gay marriage. The students participated in a play titled, "8," which "dramatizes the 2010 trial that overturned California's ban on gay Dustin Lance Black attended and participated in a discussion afterward." This dedication to the topic of gay marriage is important not to force people to support it but rather give facts about the issue and have people make educated opinions. 
            Some 250 students took advantage of the opportunity and submitted essays and their views ranged from full support to total opposition to supportive but not in agreement with gay marriage. In addition, some students enclosed concerns and stories about themselves, relatives or friends that are gay, which gives the gay marriage a more personal side. Gay marriage is an issue in the world today, however this freedom to express one's views is very important and gives hope that the future generations will not necessarily agree or disagree but be more understanding to the world around them. These students should be illustrated as models to the world, who depict that is okay to articulate one's views and that it is okay to disagree as long as one fully understands and recognizes the issue. 
         Video: (Bradley Whitford interview)

(Advertisement for the play "8")

(More explanation about play)

(Writer of play: Dustin Lance Black)

Saturday, September 15, 2012

LGBT Issues

            The article I chose regards various viewpoints on how Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender candidates can affect the Republican Party and the issues of LGBT. This debate is a national standpoint, specifically regarding the Democrat and Republican parties who, for this issue, are mainly represented by Richard Tisei (Republican) and Barney Frank (Democrat). Tisei, who came out in 2010, pledges to have an independent voice, which is beneficial as the Republican party holds the majority in Congress. It is crucial that he remains this way because though his party may not support him fully, he gives the options for them to either reconsider or develop their own opinions about this upcoming issue. On the other hand, the Democratic party is stating the only way this issue can have a chance is through the domination of the Democratic party in Congress. Those this could be true, I think the party should support the issues they are passionate about rather than their specific party. The different sides, with the majority of opposition (Republican Party) having a LGBT individual under their party, bring a completely new element that could spark great change for the LGBT community.
            Most individuals of the LGBT community seem to desire a change in the way they are treated, specifically through the government power. This has a great connection with the class material we discussed regarding the social inequality in the media, regarding that white, affluent men hold the main perspective. This struggle with "power" is true and is affecting the changing world, as the world seems to accept more groups as equal in society, compared to before of dominance of the "white man." As it states in the article, " visibility is the key thing" because we cannot force people to change their views but we can make them more educated and aware of other options so both sides can be confident in their viewpoint.

Barney Frank (left) and his spouse
Richard Tisei
Video (social network for LGBT):